GROWING closer to God and SHOWING our love for God and one another

  • Our youth group is committed to one another
  • Our youth group is always open to new people
  • Our youth group does four things together: play, worship, study, & serve
  • Our youth group is coordinated by parents, with the help of awesome youth interns.
  • Our youth group is not too big and not too small but a blend of middle school and high school youth coming together to explore our faith

Our youth group meets regularly during the school year on Sundays from 5:00 p.m. -7:00 p.m. (supper included)



Middle School and High School students meet on Sunday mornings for Discipleship Hour at 10:00 a.m. every week. The combined class meets in the Youth Room in the new education wing. Our youth interns Jennifer and Jeanette are the primary leaders for this time.

Curriculum varies and in the past has included video series with Francis Chan and Rob Bell, denominational materials, Thoughtful Christian study guides, and lessons developed by our church volunteers.

Sending and serving


Our middle school students love heading to Northern VA for denominational conferences at Massanetta Springs during the summer. These retreats are a great opportunity for fun and fellowship as we play games, learn energizers, and meet other youth from around the country. Most of all though, the worship and Bible studies help us grow in faith and grow closer to God!

Domestic Missions

Our students look forward to a mission trip every summer, and the opportunity to meet students from other places, worship together, and serve those in need. We currently coordinate most of our trips through TEAMeffort and have visited several different states with them. Mission work varies with the specific location but usually involves construction and repair, painting, meal prep and service, running camps, sorting food or clothing, and more.

Some of our recent summer missions have included Chattanooga TN and Jacksonville, FL assisting with hurricane recovery. In previous years our students have loved serving the poor in urban areas like Washington D.C. and Philadelphia, and rural settings like Cherokee NC and Covington VA.

International Missions

At least once during their high school years, we want to give our youth the chance to get way outside the familiar! This helps us to better understand our global connections and responsibilities, as we learn the needs, joys, and worship lives of God's people in different places and cultures. Most recently we have been to Puerto Rico to help with earthquake recovery. Other international trips our students have made in the past include Jamaica, Costa Rica, and Ecuador.


Youth Sunday - in early February of each year

Each year the middle and high school students at Saint Andrew work together for a month in order to plan and lead

the Sunday services for Youth Sunday. All the youth participate in writing the prayers, providing the music,

leading the children's sermon, and proclaiming God's Word. This congregation loves it when the youth lead them. 


Senior Sunday - in late Spring of each year

Each Spring we recognize the 12th graders/graduates in our congregation on a day when they plan

and conduct the services of worship for our church.