Our middle school students love heading to Northern VA for denominational conferences at Massanetta Springs during the summer. These retreats are a great opportunity for fun and fellowship as we play games, learn energizers, and meet other youth from around the country. Most of all though, the worship and Bible studies help us grow in faith and grow closer to God!
Domestic Missions
Our students look forward to a mission trip every summer, and the opportunity to meet students from other places, worship together, and serve those in need. We currently coordinate most of our trips through TEAMeffort and have visited several different states with them. Mission work varies with the specific location but usually involves construction and repair, painting, meal prep and service, running camps, sorting food or clothing, and more.
Some of our recent summer missions have included Chattanooga TN and Jacksonville, FL assisting with hurricane recovery. In previous years our students have loved serving the poor in urban areas like Washington D.C. and Philadelphia, and rural settings like Cherokee NC and Covington VA.
International Missions
At least once during their high school years, we want to give our youth the chance to get way outside the familiar! This helps us to better understand our global connections and responsibilities, as we learn the needs, joys, and worship lives of God's people in different places and cultures. Most recently we have been to Puerto Rico to help with earthquake recovery. Other international trips our students have made in the past include Jamaica, Costa Rica, and Ecuador.